Shantam Covid Center

Covid hit India very hard, extending their health care system beyond its capabilities. In conjunction with a partner vendor we set up a pop-up treatment and vaccination clinic in Gujarat State, in the west of India. For this clinic we provided funding for...

Isha Vidhya Isha Vidhya is a charitable organization in Tirupur State, India, providing many different services to their community. We support two of their initiatives: rural children’s education, and job placement and economic support for...

Tirupur School for the Deaf

The south Indian state of Tirupur is one of the most impoverished in India. The Tirupur School for the Deaf is a small orphanage housing, feeding and educating deaf or blind orphans. In conjunction with one of our partner vendors in India, we cover their operating...

Toy Mountain We participate in the yearly Toronto area Toy Mountain toy drive by soliciting toys from our staff and friends. As a company we match all employee donations on a 1-1...

Vita Centre The Vita Centre is a local Mississauga, Ontario based charity supporting single parents, primarily through donations of baby/child items to families in need. Every Christmas we prepare ~250 gift baskets, containing toys, books, and school supplies, enough for each child in their care. Most recently we donated gift baskets with personal care items for the...

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